ggm 3 days ago

Could quibble about sub-speciation of trains and boats but this marvellous. A great day out. Shame we can't all get stuck on a Boris zipline to round out the day.

Well done!

  • TRiG_Ireland 3 days ago

    My main quibble would be that Thameslink is definitely National Rail. (I think that the Elizabeth Line is too, technically, but the transverse seating and the platform screen doors, and the fact that it's operated by TfL mean that it's different enough that I'll allow it.) I'm not sure how I feel about the Overground.

    • tim333 3 days ago

      Nine of the forms of transport are trains but different types. Siemens Desiro City trains in the Thameslink case.

    • ggm 3 days ago

      Been a long time since I was trainspotting (yes, I had the anorak and the Ian Allan book of rego numbers. London had the western region hydromatic diesel warship class locos. amazing) but IIRC the London overground rolling stock has to be quite different as the tunnel sizes even above ground don't meet normal BR rolling stock radius for turns. If Thameslink runs on special sized rolling stock I'd admit it, but if's general size, any train, I think I agree. Its just another national rail line.

xenocratus 3 days ago

How the hell is a foot tunnel (that you have to walk in) "transport"? You could just say "Walk from X to Y" in that case, no need for a tunnel.

That being said, I do find that tunnel an interesting way of getting across the river :D

  • Arnt 3 days ago

    Is it operated by TfL, perhaps? No idea really.

dave333 3 days ago

While the trip itself is amazing, it could easily be fleshed out with attractions along the way - favourite eateries, boozers, playhouses, gardens etc.

ngcc_hk 2 days ago

May give it a try. Something to do and not tourist like itinerary

getwiththeprog 3 days ago

Well that was an interesting experience in marketing.